Customer service starts from within

Market Research

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How many times have you heard your manager saying, “Customer is King” or “It’s all about the bottom line” or “Without the customer we are nothing?”

Having satisfied customers leads to increased bottom line and increased brand awareness. Having satisfied employees is the key contributor to a company’s success. They must be treated with utmost respect and courtesy, so they become familiar and experienced o in turn present these attitudes to the prospects and customers doing business with your company.

Here are few methods to be remembered when communicating with your employees so as to always reiterate/emphasize to them the important of good customers services within internal in the company as well as externally to customers..


Make contact on every level. How often do you go down to the reception and talk to your receptionist. How often do you talk to your front line people? Engage with them and find out how they are, and learn what issues concern them. This will help you understand how to improve your company’s customer service standards.


Give your employees a sense of ownership. A person gives his 100% when he believes he is working for his own company. They work harder to provide better service. Build incentives into the job to motivate them to work harder. After all it is your employees who define the customer service your organization provides!


Employees should be given an opportunity to become better at what they do. Provide on-job-training, schedule meetings and discuss issues with them. Encourage them to come up with unique ideas to resolve problems that your company might be facing. Make them part of the decision making process.


Many issues arise when departments and employees are segregated — considering only their own priorities. This may lead to failure and create an environment of distrust and resentment. Employees must take responsibility for understanding how requests are handled, and must be responsible for explaining the department work flow and how it fits into overall company procedures.

Providing great internal customer service is imperative to company’s growth and success. All employees can benefit from customer service skills training. Your employees are your most valuable resource. Investing in them will increase their job satisfaction which directly impacts customer satisfaction. Small efforts like these make a huge difference in the long run for the resulting in better customer care and service.