Predictive Models

Our specialisation lies in a diverse array of Machine Learning based predictive models including deep learning models such as Neural Networks. Our AI models find practical applications the prediction of trends, patterns and classes, among other areas.

Classification Models

We adapt LLM models for our clients for a variety of downstream tasks. These models have superior contextual awareness and generate superior responses to user input for different use cases such as personalised virtual assistants, document summarisation and other conversational AI interface.

Segmentation Models

We adapt LLM models for our clients for a variety of downstream tasks. These models have superior contextual awareness and generate superior responses to user input for different use cases such as personalised virtual assistants, document summarisation and other conversational AI interface.

Anomaly Detection

We adapt LLM models for our clients for a variety of downstream tasks. These models have superior contextual awareness and generate superior responses to user input for different use cases such as personalised virtual assistants, document summarisation and other conversational AI interface.

The Information Highway to your Market!

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