Performance Measurement & Training Need Analysis for Group of Companies

Human Resource

Case Study of a large group of Companies, where we used HR Analytics techniques for performance measurement and training need analysis.

HR Analytics was used for a large organization with over 1000 customer facing staff, to measure their current customer service levels and then enhance it with an accurately designed training based on the training need analysis .

The project encompassed collection of data on various key competencies of the customer facing staff  through various sources which included Mystery Shopping Surveys, Customer Surveys, Customers Suggestions and Complaints as well as Internal Performance appraisals.

Based on advanced econometric techniques such as Principle Component Analysis, nine key categories of competencies related to excellence in customer service were agreed with HR team of the organisation. Each competency category had between seven to ten skills and latent behavioural attributes. Hence overall over eighty performance attributes, i.e.m data points were compiled for measurement of the current Customer Service Levels.

The Data for these attributes was gathered through regular, large volume random  mystery surveys over three months so as to collect data on as many individual staff as possible. In addition Customer suggestions and complaints received over last two years were also analyzed using text analytics for feedback and comments related to the selected performance attributes data points. The internal performance appraisals which also measured some of the performance attributes were also taken into the account.

The data from these diverse sources was first cleaned and curated for standardization of measurement so that it could be combined seamlessly for measurement of the selected performance attributes. The qualitative data from qualitative responses was also converted into a quantitative variable using a text analytics and natural language processing.

The overall scoring of the performance attributes and the nine competencies were for done for each staff . Statistical tests and techniques were used to analyze competency patterns and performance gaps across various employee profile dimensions like demographics, years of service, duty shifts, training attended , qualifications and experiences as well as their engagement levels.

Clear patterns on Customer Service performance levels & competencies emerged for different employee profiles highlighting the key performance skills and behavioral intervention that was needed for each group.

Accordingly seven different types of training modules were developed to meet the specific requirement of each employee group . The trainings were delivered and based o statistical analysis, were found to be highly effective as per post training customer service levels measured through mystery surveys.

Encouraged by the results, the client is making changes to its performance appraisal system for better capturing and measurement of the performance attributes while  continuing to use the customer’s suggestions and complaints as well as regular mystery visits in the analytical model for accurate measurement of customer service levels and more effective training investmenst and of course enhanced customer service. – The Information Highway to your Market!